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Who voted for and who against concessions to beaches?! Who voted for and who against concessions on beaches?!

Struga Council today struck down the Municipality of Struga proposal for beach concessions. The discussion on this point was conducted several months ago, but it did not vote because it was not secure majority. The debate continued in the media. while today, after the completion of all agenda items, Chairman of the Board, Rasoul Kaba put to the vote the point of beaches.
While it was thought that Merko has secured a majority in the Council and therefore casts a vote this point, the opposite occurred.
17 councilors voted against. among them 8 Alliance Advisors for Albanians, 2 advisers Movement Besa, 3 VMRO-DPMNE councilors and 4 SDSM.
Three counselors PEI's Fiat Canoski voted Restrained, while Pro were only 7 advisers, 6 DUI and a Socialist Party, VOX reports Struga.

Council of the Municipality of Struga today has failed proposal to the municipality for concessions on beaches. Discussion of this item had a few months ago, but then not isglasa because the measures will secure a majority. The debate continued in the media. And today, once completed all agenda items, Council President, Resul Kaba put to a vote this point.
While everyone thought that measures Provide majority and therefore put to the vote, however, the opposite happened.
17 councilors voted against concessions. For these, 8 Advisers Alliance for Albanians, 2 movement of Besa, 3 VMRO – DPMNE and 4 of SDSM.
The three advisors to PEI from Fiat Canoski abstained and only for BEA 7 sobetnici, 6 DUI and one Socialistichkata Party, reports VOX Struga.