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coronavirus / today 125 infected in Macedonia, 7 Struga

in 24 the last hours 125 new positive cases with Kovid-19

Skopje, 6 June 2020 (MY) –Ministry of Health in 24 the last hours recorded 125 cases of newly infected with Kovid-19. The largest number is still in Skopje 46, followed by Kumanovo with 19, Shtipi me 17, Tetova me 16, Struga with 7, Gostivar me 6, Velesi me 3, Negotina 2, and on one occasion in Prilep, monastery, Kocan and Delchevo.

in 24 two patients from Prilep and Strumica have died in recent hours. The patient from Prilep is aged 73 year old and was hospitalized in SPQ "September 8" by 19 water, while the patient from Strumica is of age 67 years old and has been hospitalized at the Clinic for Neurology by 18 water.

Eight patients have been cured, four from Veles, two from Prilep and one patient from Tetovo and St. Nicholas.

According to information from the Ministry of Health in 24 the last hours have been done 1085 tests. From the total number of tests in 24 last hour, 113 tests are in the framework of screening in kindergartens in Stip and Kocani and no positive cases have been recorded with Kovid-19.

The total number of people diagnosed in the country from the beginning of the epidemic is reached 2.915, the number of patients cured is 1640, dead are 151, while at the moment the number of active cases in the country reaches 1.124.

The latest distribution by city is as follows:

  • Skopje 1201, active 595
  • Kumanovo 545, active 129
  • Debar 52, active 1
  • Stip 161, active 123
  • Prilep 218, active 29
  • Tetovo 273, active 115
  • Struga 98, active 26
  • Veles 141, active 27
  • monastery 30, active 4
  • Ohrid 30, active 13
  • Kavadarci 6, active 1
  • Gostivar 47, active 26
  • Gevgelija 6, active 2
  • Strumica 5, active 2
  • I created Pallanka 6, active 0
  • Radovis 4, active 0
  • Krusevo 3, active 0
  • Koçan 43, active 12
  • Probishtip 5, active 3
  • Demir Hisar 1, active 0
  • Makedonski Brod 2, active 0
  • Pehchevo 3, active 0
  • Bitola 2, active 1
  • Vallandovë 3, active 2
  • Vinica 3, active 1
  • Delcevo 2, active 1
  • Kratovo 3, active 1
  • St. Nicholas 3, active 2
  • Kicevo 3, active 1
  • Negotino 16, active 7 (*9 persons from Negotina are residents of Demir Kapija)

At the Infectious Diseases Clinic in 24 the last few hours have been accepted 7 young patients, while total hospitalized are 58 patients. In oxygen they are 27 patients, there are no patients on mechanical ventilation.

Until the morning at SPQ "September 8" were accepted 12 young patients,  while the total number of hospitalized patients is 38. In the respiratory tract are 7, while with more severe clinical picture they are still 8 patients.

They were hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 11 patients, while in home treatment through the hospital are followed 2 patients. They were hospitalized at the hospital in Stip 21 patients. In the infectious ward in Ohrid, Veles, Kumanovo and Prilep have been hospitalized 31 patients - positive and suspicious with Kovid-19.