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coronavirus / Police activities in Struga region – Ohrid

Notice of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

After undertaking preparatory activities for the continuous implementation of the Government's measures for the protection and extinguishing of the Coronavirus , and in relation to the measure for the implementation of the state quarantine no 21.03.2020, police officers from SPB Ohrid and the Border Police “Regional Center West” provided the transportation and security of four persons who were transferred from the Qafthana border point to the Demir Kapia Special Center.

SPB Ohrid, throughout the area it covers (Ohrid, Struga, Vevchani, Kicevo, Plasnica, Dibra and Center Zhupa), continues to take the strictest restrictive measures in the field in order to continuously implement measures for the protection of citizens. In cooperation with other competent institutions, SPB Ohrid will continue to undertake activities for the full implementation of measures against persons who do not respect the measure of isolation and their implementation in state quarantine and appropriate legal measures will be taken against them.

The police station of Ohrid controls the total 144 persons under the measure “health surveillance and home insulation”, 125 of whom have signed a declaration that, after arriving from foreign countries affected by the Coronavirus ,, under full moral responsibility, material and criminal related to COVID – 19, for a period of 14 days in their homes will perform mandatory isolation,,. 19 persons are managed by decision of the State Health and Sanitary Inspectorate and are under health supervision and home isolation. We call and appeal to the citizens to strictly respect the latest decision of the Government on the ban on movement from 9 p.m. to 06 every day and disciplined to implement all other recommended measures and instructions related to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19, all legal and natural persons to strictly follow the instructions of the police officers. Citizens can report any violations of the mandatory 14-day self-isolation on the phone number 08 080000 201 or 192. Sector spokeswoman for Internal Affairs Ohrid Merlina Islam