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“KOMUNALJA”in the service of private business people Merkos!?

NP ” KOMUNALJA” – Struga apparently has been in private service to more closely associate Ramiz Merkos. Today the feast day, means of transport “Komunales” and its employees, They are seen in front of the notary office, Besa Kadriu. The notary is the wife of the Armenian Kadri Kadri, It is known as the right of Struga Mayor, Ramiz Merko, VOX reports Struga.
As you can see from the pictures, workers “Komunales” We carry several devices to the notary office.
Who is responsible for the conduct of local government institutions in Struga?
Are these institutions serving the citizens of Struga, or serve to private businesses of the president and his closest people?!

VOX Struga to this obscene gesture, It will seek clarification from the NP leaders “municipal” – Struga.
/VOX Struga /