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Municipality silent for work stoppage to bridge Morovishtit!

Although few days passed and after some time we have wanted answered officially by the Municipality of Struga and persons authorized to Public Relations, still we do not have an answer. Transparency of the municipality right now is ZERO. Everything is hidden from the public, especially from the media.
privately, VOX Struga teaches that work does not allow a private businessman who has property nearby, but silenced by the municipality and now 6 months citizens are awaiting the completion of this project.
Roundabout to Bridge Morovishtit was launched with much fanfare by Merko president and his cabinet. It was advertised so much and said that it would be completed in record time and during the summer tourist season would greatly facilitate the movement of vehicles. But as you can see in the picture, nothing seems from this project, but some pits and open channels, which hinder traffic and endanger many citizens who pass it every day.
VOX Struga today officially sent questions to the Municipality of Struga and at the moment that we receive answers, the same will share with you.

/VOX Struga /