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Municipality of Struga explains: Featured Company did not have adequate license!

A few days ago VOX Struga informed citizens about their concerns and dononcimet numerous achievements to us, to stop the construction of the roundabout at the bridge Morovishtit. Proceedings were initiated in 6 months ago, but they broke down just began and consequently the way broken in this part, except that commissioned circulation, began also represent a risk to the safety of traffic participants. For that matter, VOX Struga requested clarification from the Municipality of Struga. After several attempts and after a negative përgiigjeje two weeks late, We addressed by telephone, Cabinet Chief of Mayor, Dashmir nasufi. He promised us an answer today in our address has come to clarify.

“As regards the information requested by you, construction company, which began work in the ring Morovishtit, He interrupted the fact that B has possessed license for construction work and the Ministry of Transport and Communications reaction, work in that area will start again after ensuring a license for construction work. therefore, the procedure is the selection of a construction company with a license and thereafter work continues in the area.

We note that technical errors in construction documents has caused discrepancies between what is built with a license and what the B license. Yesterday we have been informed by the Ministry that this procedure will be completed within two weeks and certainly after this period will start work on this highway.

Such a project launch is very important to progress without obstacles and road traffic after completion will have “discharge the burden” road traffic, because this node connects a vast territory of our municipality. We make efforts to this end the procedure as soon as possible so Struga are witnessing a grandiose project that has not been done before”- It said in explanation of Struga, VOX run Struga.