NEWS / newsThe town / city

The municipality will relocate / The municipality will be relocated

Mayor Merko relocates the administration of the Municipality of Struga to a new location

Today, the works for the reconstruction of the old primary school building started “Miladinov brothers” which will soon be used as a new facility of the Municipality of Struga. After the transfer of students to the new KPS facility “Miladinov brothers”, this building has been significantly damaged by irresponsible citizens who have broken windows, doors and have caused other damage.

Mayor of Struga, with. Ramis Merko said that the works have started, the damages will be repaired and soon the Municipality of Struga will be located in a new location.

Office of Public Relations,
Municipality of Struga

Mayor Merko will move the administration of the Municipality of Struga to a new location

Today, the construction works for the reconstruction of the old building of the primary school started “Brothers Miladinovci” which will soon be the new building of the Municipality of Struga. After the transfer of the students to the new building of the primary school “Brothers Miladinovci” , the building was damaged by a group of irresponsible citizens who broke the windows, return and inflict other damage.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Struga, Mr. Ramis Merko stated that the construction works are already in progress, the damages will be repaired and soon the Municipality of Struga will have a new location.

Office of Public Relations,