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Sherijat Muharremi has passed away, the doctor who took care of the health of the Strugans all his life

Sherijat Muharremi, the doctor who dedicated his entire life to the health care of the Strugans, has passed away.

He died in the USA where he was on a family visit without having any health concerns.

Muharrem was born in Frêngovo in Struga in the year 1950 where he completed his primary education to continue his secondary education in the city of Black Drin, while he completed his medical degree at the University of Pristina . Although he had many offers to stay in Pristina and Kosovo, he returned to Struga in the position of a doctor, where he then specialized in the field of internal medicine in Skopje..

Muharremi is one of the doctors who stood out for his professionalism and ethics, who respected the Hippocratic oath with dignity. In addition to his involvement in the field of medicine, Sherjat Muharremi became involved and acted politically after years 1990 carefully guarding the stature of an incorruptible and modest intellectual.

The funeral will take place tomorrow ( Friday) at 15:30 h in the cemetery of the village of his birth-Frêngovo.


Dr. Sherijat Muharremi was born in 26 January of the year 1950 in the village of Frêngovo.

He took his first lessons in the city of Struga.
Graduated successfully in the year 1975 at the Faculty of Medicine in Pristina, earning the title- Doctor of medicine.

After completing studies for 2 quick ( the screws 1976 until the year 1978 ) worked as a general practitioner at the Health Center in Pristina. Knowing very well the situation in which Struga was in those years due to the lack of doctors, returns to his hometown to continue his profession as a doctor in Struga.

from 1978 until the year 1984 works at the Health House - Struga, whereas in the year 1984 was employed at the Institute for Nephrology.

In year 1988 in Skopje he successfully defends the specialist exam and earns the title of Specialist in Internal Medicine.

Throughout his journey as a doctor, he made a great contribution, emphasizing here the Kosovo crisis of the year 1999, when co-heading the hospital in the post of deputy director successfully managed one of our nation's greatest challenges as a true professional and humanitarian.

In year 2004 as a result of many years of achievements and contribution in the field of medicine, he earns the title Primarius- title which is given to doctors who dominate with experience, their contribution and knowledge.
Publisher of a large number of scientific works and participant in many conferences in the field of medicine.

His journey as a doctor ends in the year 2020 when he retired.

Dr.Sherijati, a life dedicated to patients and medicine.

An incomparable intellectual and erudite.