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He was given the last farewell Inajá Istrefi!

Thousands of citizens today gave final farewell, Inajá Istrefi from the Lower Belica, who died from wounds caused by bullets in his shop in Zurich Ryti. His funeral took place in the cemetery of the Lower Belica, where he was born and grew late Istrefi. Many citizens from Struga, Macedonia and other countries, especially from Kosovo, Presevo and Albania, Inajetin came to attend to his last home.

Who was Inajá Istrefi?

Inajá Istrefi Belica was born in the village of Struga Lower, more 1 March 1967, a family known veleshtare. He was the son of Mary and Bektaş Istrefi from Veleshta, but by the end of the life they lived in the Lower Belica.
Inajá Istrefi head primary school in Belica and Veleshta, to continue further secondary education in Debar.
Growing up in patriotic spirit, Inajeti with friends participated in some actions, such as high school and more time singing and listening to patriotic songs and slogans and national anti Yugoslav interrogated, It is harassed and beaten by police during that period Debar.
In year 1987, after finishing high school, Like many other Albanians, yet without age of maturity, Inajeti took the path of exile, In Switzerland, initially he worked as a laborer and then as a guard.
From the beginning was key in the People's Movement of Kosovo and LDK and an organizer of demonstrations for the rights of Albanians in the former Yugoslavia. Together with friends staged protests in many European centers, the eldest to the UN offices in Geneva.
He has been an active participant and organizer of many activities with humanitarian purposes.
With the start of the war in Kosovo and the emergence of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Inajeti aligned in organizing the Fund “Motherland is calling”, work which sometimes was honored with recognition from various organizations and institutions.
The same did not save anything during the war in Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, and during the armed conflict in 2001 in Macedonia.

In the district where he lived and acted, He is known as the man with the big heart, peerless patriot and humanist. He was a great friend of children and in its premises in Switzerland has always been okay for toddlers it is not paid.
For anyone who was in the street had an address for help ” go to Inajeti” and he came to help anyone who knocked on the door, bread, clothes, to sleep or even to be found work.
from years 1997-98 Inajeti opened his first restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland, and after working for two decades he succeeded in 2010 become the owner of “Restoran bar” Ryti in the Cyrihyt, where he continued the tradition in the field of gastronomy.
Inajá Istrefi was the father of three children, Profit boys and Promise and daughter Victory.
The eldest son Profit ended degree in Information Technology, while girls romp head of the Faculty of Music at the Department of Musicology and is a familiar figure and demonstrated cultural life in Struga. The little boy Promise continues studies in Switzerland.

Inajá Istrefi recent years participated actively in political developments in Macedonia giving valuable contribution to the establishment of the Movement for Reform – DPA, accompanying and helping leaders of this initiative in the first events both in Kumanovo, Tetovo until the LRPDSH's Congress.
Life proved to be unfair to put the face of a problem that aim has been the worst of Albanians. First they killed the eldest son Profit and injured him seriously small boy Promise, but as a man with a great heart was not himself before this tragedy and continued to head higher, with faith and pure intention in doing what until the last moments of his life.
more 25 December 2018, He came under fire in its premises in Switzerland and died from wounds caused by bullets.
Citizens of many Zurich Ryti expressed their indignation at the case before his bar, lighting candles and flowers Undaunted honor the work of Inajetit.
At the entrance of, to recognize a group of Swiss Inajetin, up a letter written in German with:
“You have been a wonderful man and chief. Thank you to meet you. The disaster that life ended so soon, we will not ever forget. Rest in peace!”