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Idri Istrefi: Struga needs a fresh start, for honest governance with clean hands

Distinguished Members of Parliament, friends, friend, workers together, dear Struga,

I am infinitely grateful to them for the trust given and for the great honor, that I be the bearer of a process that will bring change to our Struga, of this natural beauty that God has forgiven us.

I am aware of the great importance of this process and deeply convinced of the great responsibility I am taking on with you.

I pledge to you and to every Struga that honest governance will be our main goal, while transparency will be the main way through which this will be achieved. To restore trust in local institutions, to give the example that it can be governed with honor and dignity and that citizens can be the creators of local policies.

In the coming days we will visit every settlement, every neighborhood of Struga and its surroundings, we will meet the citizens without any distinction, to get acquainted with their worries and problems, and no, through our program to find solutions for a Struga that we want to leave to future generations.

Together we will prove that fair governance, investments with a serious development plan and strategy will take us to another level of local policy. Level, in which the promise of drinking water and sewerage network will not occupy the main place, as has been the case throughout these years of pluralism. Quality drinking water is the right of every citizen, while institutions, the municipality is obliged to provide it.

Living in Struga, between this beautiful nature and not having water to drink, tells more clearly about the situation in which we find ourselves. We pledge to provide a solution to this long-standing problem of our municipality.

Dear, Struga is small and we all know each other, o we are friends, o friends, o farefis, o family, o neighbor, THEREFORE, I humbly address you and ask you to communicate in the coming days, to talk to each other, to take our message to every citizen of Struga and prove to them that our way, our idea of ​​Struga for future generations is the right one, the truth and the most honest.

Struga needs a fresh start, without corruption, pa tarafe, it needs a mayor who is in the service of the citizen and not of a small interest group. It is time to make Struga what most Struga people want.

I promise to you and the citizens of Struga that I will not tolerate corruption, theft and other negative phenomena that we are used to seeing during the current governance of our municipality. Struga deserves governance with clean hands.

I am open to any suggestions, counsel, remarks of everything else that is for the good of our city and municipality.

sincerely, Thank you and together we are good priests. We come out white-faced!