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Idri Istrefi by order from Ladorishti: Ramiz – Armend, careful!

Dear youth of Ladorisht,

Ladies and gentleman

Today I will not talk about the unfolding of the program because we have done it in every corner of Struga and the villages of Struga. Our program is very accessible to the citizens of Struga.

I am using this great gathering in Ladorisht to deliver a message to the two current mayors of the Municipality of Struga, Ramiz and Armend. Do not blackmail the citizens of Struga because our victory has already come. Do not use blackmail and pressure, because with blackmail and pressure you cannot stop the power of the citizens, you cannot desecrate the vote of Ladorish and all Strugans.

I'm telling you something else. You citizens who have been blackmailed, political pressures and other pressures. I Idri Istrefi, I give you my word and I sincerely support you, I support you manfully and send word to Ramiz and Armendi that the end has come. Their end is 17 October.

I appeal to the citizens, do not believe in fictitious employments or two inches of asphalt. We will revive Struga, we will rebirth Struga.

That's why I ask that no 17 October, circle the SIX, vote CLEAN.            

Thank you!