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History of Struga Hospital or Struga Hospital - HISTORY...!| History of Struga Hospital or Struga Hospital – HISTORY…!

Everywhere in the world, citizens seek help in hospitals, of course not yet, doctors ask for help, because they cannot cope with the conditions in which they work.
(Based on the reaction of my fellow student, and very respected Dr. Vullnet Bekteshi before any time).

At first glance it seems strange, but when he remembers the party he is 20 years in power, and the general social condition in us, he understands that health is also important (hospital) distinguish them from other lemmas, where the total degradation due to system failure is observed.

Here are some brief facts about the degradation of hospitals and their functioning in Struga, especially STRUGE GENERAL HOSPITAL:

• The facility of the city hospital in Struga, it was built towards the end of the years 1960 – 1970 of the last century, ka 60 – 63 year, as such planned for the needs of 20.000.00 – 30.000.00 resident.
Increasing needs and health services that have multiplied in Struga, among others, from the increase in the number of Struga residents, but the object remained the same, or a little differently, as the services and staff increased, so did the typical ridiculous barracks around the hospital.

And a bit of history, since DUI more than 20 years in power, during this time there were:

•Minister in the Government,
•Deputy from Struga in the Parliament,
•Director of hospitals for several terms,
• Minister of Health in power for a period, DUI - of,
• Deputy Minister of Health in power of DUI,
•Minister of Local Self-Government from Struga,
• Director of the Health Institute from Struga, DUI - of, and today,
• Two DUI MPs, Struga, and some others,
• Mayor of DUI Municipality- of four mandates,


The President of DUI - of, from Struga, promised money 5 – 6 years that we will build a new hospital in Struga, you also have it in the Parliamentary Elections Program 2020, which is turning out to be our famous saying: PRIT GOMAR IS DOING MBI BAR.

That the hospital and health care has been degraded like all other institutions run by the ruling party, shows the fact that for 4 years at the General Hospital in Struga, have been changed 5 directors, so the hospital is managed by politics, party and not professionalism.

They are accepted on 20 doctor at the hospital, especially during election campaigns, ironically, today we complain that there are no doctors and conditions in the wards, we all complain that doctors emigrate, because the engagement of doctors and management staff of the general hospital is profiled based on the interests of political clans outside the hospital and not based on the needs of citizens and hospital departments.

The birth results for the year will be released very soon 2022 in Struga and Ohrid, there you will see the difference of births, as a result of partisanship and politicization in function of votes, even with hospitals.

Course to the doctor of the Department of Pediatrics, my dear friend, I would like to give you a piece of advice, I ask the Director of the Hospital to send the general doctors who have been working in the hospital for years to specialization, until then enter into and continue contracts for work with royalties, at least with doctors who meet the conditions for pension, but who show a desire to work, when we need them.

Lulzim Nasufi – Head of the ASH Branch – Struga branch.

All over the world, citizens seek help in hospitals, while in our country doctors ask for help, because they cannot cope with the conditions in which they work. (taking into account the reaction of my friend from the time of studies, and respected Dr. Vulnet Bekteshi some time ago).

At first glance it seems strange, but when you think of the party that is already in power 20 years and the general social situation in our country, you realize that neither healthcare (the hospitals) they could not be distinguished from other areas, where there is a total degradation in the functioning of the system.
Here are some short facts about the degradation of healthcare and its functioning in Struga, especially the STRUGA GENERAL HOSPITAL:

• The building of the General Hospital in Struga was built in the late 1960s – 1970-the years of the last century, which means there is 60 – 63 years, and as such it is planned for the needs of 20.000,00 – 30.000,00 citizens.

Due to the increase in needs and health services, among other things due to the increase in the number of scrapers, the object remained the same, or slightly different, as services and staff increased, so did the typical funny shacks around the hospital.

And a bit of history, while DUI more than 20 years in power, during this time there was :

•Minister in the Government
• Member of Parliament from Struga in the Parliament
•Director of hospitals in several mandates
• For a certain period, the Minister of Health was in charge of DUI,
• Deputy Minister of Health under the authority of DUI
• Minister of Local Self-Government from Struga
• The Director of the Health Institute from Struga, of DUI – and today
• Two deputies of DUI, Struga, and several others
• Mayor of the municipality of DUI with four mandates


The president of DUI, Struga, before 5-6 years ago promised that we would build a new hospital in Struga, and this resulted in our famous saying : DON'T DIE A HORSE UNTIL THE GRASS IS GREEN.

That the hospital and healthcare are degraded like all other institutions run by the ruling party, the fact that for 4 years have changed 5 directors, what signs the hospital is managed by politics, the party, and not the professionalism.

In the meantime, more than 20 doctors, especially during election campaigns, and to make the irony even greater, today we complain that there are no doctors and conditions in the wards, and on the other hand the doctors escape us because the doctors themselves and the management staff of the General Hospital are profiled based on the interests of the political clans outside the hospital, and not based on the needs of citizens and hospital wards.

The results of the children born will be out very soon 2022 year in Struga and Ohrid, you will see the difference there, as a result of partisanship and politicization in function of votes, even in hospitals.

To the doctor of the Department of Pediatrics, to my friend, I would give him one piece of advice, ask the director of the General Hospital to send the General Medicine doctors who have been working in the Hospital for years as general practitioners for specialization, and until then to conclude the Work Agreements for continuation of work, at least with doctors who met the conditions for retirement, but they show desire and interest to work, when we need them.

Lulzim Nasufi – President of the AA – Struga branch.