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A child is hit by a car in Struga | A child was hit by a vehicle in Struga

By date 02.12.2022 around 17:25 at the Struga police station it was reported that on the river bridge ,,Drini i Zi ,, on "Boro Haxhieski" street in Struga, type vehicle ”Mercedes" with Struga license plates driven by V.S.(56) from Kirçova living in Struga, hit a minor pedestrian from Shtipi. The minor suffered serious bodily injuries in the accident, found in the hospital "St. Erasmo ”in Ohrid. A team from the Struga police station conducted an investigation at the scene.

SPB Ohrid, from Labunista

On 02.12.2022 around 17.25 o'clock at the Struga police station, it is reported that on a bridge on the Black Dream River, near the dam on the street "Boro Hadzieski" in Struga, "Mercedes" passenger vehicle with Serbian registration plates, managed by V.S.(56) from Kichevo, with residence in Struga, hit a minor pedestrian from Shtip. In the accident, the minor suffered serious injuries, ascertained in the hospital "St. Erasmus" in Ohrid. A team from the Struga police station inspected the place.