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maternal language

maternal LANGUAGE

Slopes of the mountains and the road to freedom,
We laugh crying with Arbëria language.
Poetry Verses have knitted prore,
the country of sacred maternal language.

With this love language t'Perëndisë,
with language Wares, Infant t'shpirtit,
Gege Tosca, brave thumb, land sod,
arbërore covenant with the men of the tribe.

Honey language of the highlands of toskërisë,
talk, yell, The write love.
How Drini delta, slip words,
for mothers of everything beautiful, pen s'ndalet.

With fatherly care of the language just like rock,
prove the antiquity, with the enemy for a tooth.
We oldest languages, worth immortal,
smelling odor lime, If the viva forever!

© Jamie Hjaredini
Struga, 25 February 2020