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High School ” Dr. Ibrahim topic” unheated, reacts Alliance

Why has no heating in Gymnasium Ibrahim Temo?!

Municipality of Struga and High School Department “Dr Gymnasium. Ibrahim topic”, They have disrupted the education process. The only reason is because the municipality and the department did not provide heating for the school building. According to our information, For two days, did not warm to classes in Albanian.
Therefore we ask the heads of municipal directorate and the gymnasium Ibrahim Temo, how is it possible that in these cold days the heating not working on school facilities?
Is it true that the heating system works not only to facilities where Albanian students learn?
It is provided by competent persons fuels for the operation of the heating system?
How many days will it take a situation and have provided alternative measures to resolve the situation?
Who will be liable for hours and days lost from attendance?
We expect immediate answers and solutions to this problem!