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Immunization against Kovid-19 began in Struga

Struga, 2 April 2021 (MY) - The vaccination process against Covid-19 for patients over the age of 77 year in Struga started today and is excellently realized, concluded the director of the Health House, Andon Lozhankoski.

from 40 patients presented through the system "TerminiIm", 10-have not been notified of the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine by the due date.

The immunization process is carried out by two teams, at a vaccination point in the Health Center-Struga. today, on the first day of vaccination against Covid-19 by those present 40 patients, 30 came on time and were immunized, declared Lozhankoski.

Problem, according to him, today there have been with immobile patients, but warned that with the approval of the Ministry of Health the process will be carried out in their homes.

Health House in Struga, mori 400 play with "Astra Zeneka", while priority in immunization have persons over age 77 year.