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A lawsuit has been filed for not taking measures to manage the illegal landfill in Struga

The Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers informs the public thatin January 2021 a lawsuit was filed againstMinistry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Municipality of Struga and Public EnterpriseKOMUNALNO Struga for not taking measures to manage the illegal landfill that has existed in the city for a long time.

Long term landfill, without respecting and fulfilling the obligations that the defendants have under the Law on the Environment, Law on Waste Management as well as national and local strategic documents in the field of waste management, cause serious damage to the environment and human health.

Based on the prepared expertise, The Macedonian Association of Young Lawyers asks the Basic Court in Struga to determine that the defendants have violated the right to a healthy environment, the right to life, the right to respect for private and family life in a way that in the period from 2006 until 2021 have not taken the appropriate measures and activities to prevent, prevent or reduce the harmful effects on human life and health caused by environmental pollution, in the context of illegal dumping.

With this lawsuit, ShMJR demands that the Basic Court in Struga compel the defendants:
• To stop the further dumping of waste in the illegal landfill;
• To carry out the decontamination and recultivation of the space in and around the illegal dump through
specific tasks;
• To prepare and implement a sophisticated plan for the selection and recycling of waste in
the territory of Struga Municipality, as well as strengthen the capacity of inspection services in the field
of environmental protection.

The lawsuit was filed through lawyer Gligorie Qatoski.

Contact person:
Aleksandra Cvetanovska, tel. 075 427 735, e-mail: acvetanovska@myla.org.mk