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Diaspora leads to Struga message Ziadin Selo and Alliance councilors

“Diaspora for Struga” is an organization of our fellow citizens from Struga living and working abroad and do not hesitate to help Struga whenever need be. As well as helping them respond to the ugly and negative phenomena occurring in Struga. Finally they have reacted in relation to the Municipality of Struga Ramiz Merkos and plan to privatize the lake shore. They are worded this plan and accuse Merko attempted usurpation and destruction of public property. “Diaspora for Struga” also calls on the Alliance councilors Albanians in Struga, to stay strong and in no way permit whom plan to pass in the Municipal Council.

Here's how it addresses the Diaspora to Struga, Ziadin Selo and Struga Alliance:

"Diaspora for Struga is categorically against any abuse of social property. therefore, SDSM since been withdrawn from harmful project concessions about pllazheve, we encourage the leader of ASH's Sela Dr.Ziadin to closely monitoring the situation of the municipal council and not to allow any adviser ASH's fall in the "notorious trap and abusive" to concessions. We will support any party that is committed to protecting public property and development projects within the municipality, but we will never support someone who harms citizen interest and Struga ".

"We encourage the ASH's leader who steadfastly fight the abuse of public property that is prepared by the Municipality of Struga criminal leadership. We will stand behind, for any kind of help if they stopped this project and notorious abuser, it means victory over crime and organized crime ".

"Anyone who has taken a vote on behalf of ASH have to put you finger on the head and work for the good of the people and for the people".

Feedback from Diaspora Association for Struga