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The reconstruction of Struga street will be completed by autumn – Qafasan

Struga, 22 February 2023 (MY) – Minister of Transport and Communications, Bllagoj Boçvarski, the director of the public enterprise for state roads, Ejup Rrustemi and the mayor of Struga Municipality, Ramiz Merko, Today, he carried out an inspection of the rehabilitation construction works on the Struga regional road – Qafasan.

reHabiLitatiON, as announced by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, is realized in length of 19,3 kilometers, extending from the Podmolje roundabout to the Qafë Thane border crossing.

According to the information, complete rehabilitation of the road direction with the laying of asphalt is foreseen, investment worth eight million euros.

Struga road direction – Qafasan, according to Minister Boçvarski, it is very important, because it connects with the Republic of Albania and is part of the Corridor 8.

“We rehabilitated it with funds from the NP for state roads, in order to enable quality road connections for the citizens of Struga, OHRID, Dibra and first of all because of the regional confusion. We have an obligation to create a quality road network in the country and this year we have strong investment activity to achieve it. This road direction is part of our investment plans and we plan to complete it by autumn”, Boçvarski declared.

The director of the NP for state roads, Rrustemi estimated that so far more than 20 percent of construction works.

“The project envisages the complete rehabilitation of the road up to the Qafë Thane crossing. The road has two lanes 3,5 m, while it is planned to install new docks. It is planned to rehabilitate three bridges in the road direction. With the rehabilitation, we will increase traffic safety on this road. I expect to completely rehabilitate the road until October”, said Rrustemi.

Reconstruction of this road direction for the mayor of Struga municipality, it is of great importance because of the regional interconnection, economic development and local development of the region.ab/