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in Livadhi, some days we are working on arranging pavements in the main street of the village. The works are financed by the Livadhia migrants, mainly from Switzerland and Austria, while the contribution was made by the country's residents and businesses.

The sidewalk in question, on both sides should be regulated by the local government, but although launched three years ago, has not completed, VOX writes Struga.

Tired of the long wait and the extreme degradation of the road driven in particular by the need for children to certainly go to school every day, It was taken initiatives for private financing of this project.

During the summer months, also with migrants initiative by Switzerland and supported by those of the US and other countries, and residents of the Upper Ward, It was arranged riverbed (Gap) that runs almost the entire village.

What it does the state, do with its inhabitants forces. This happens in most villages, especially Albanian.

It is worth mentioning the contribution of businesses and craftsmen village itself Livadhi course of these proceedings.

currently, works were also carried out in the village mosque Livadhi, which is regulated yard saj./voxstruga.mk/