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ASH-Struge accuses Merko / AA Struga accuses Merko


Alliance for Albanians - Branch in Struga, the weather is denouncing the dual principles of the Merko Administration's operation, when it comes to the distribution of justice between the "family" and the citizens of Struga.

The freshest glaring case, and that expresses a lot what in itself "a picture is worth a thousand words" is the deviation of the sidewalk in the vicinity of Merko University, where the operation of the principle "DIFFERENT TO SELF" can be best observed – DIFFERENT FOR THE PEOPLE…!

This principle of work in Struga, unfortunately, the weather is sensitive in every corner of the Merko Administration, in favor of the "narrow political tariff".

The disaster is even greater since for a long time the responsible local bodies, instead of taking legal actions, they "took polar sleep" not taking into account that they cause damage to the interests of citizens.

Struga and the Strugans do not deserve such a state, and that the cup has already been filled and with their high consciousness the moment will come when they will express the final verdict for the good and the future of their families.

Branch of the Alliance for Albanians - Struga.



Alliance for Albanians – Branch in Struga, has long condemned the dual principles of the Merco Administration's operations, when it comes to the division of justice between the "family" and the scraps.

The most recent shocking case, which in itself says a lot through "a picture is worth a thousand words" is the turning of the sidewalk in the vicinity of Merco University, where the "ONE FOR SELF" principle works…- ANOTHER FOR THE PEOPLE.. ." where it is best reflected. !

This principle of work in Struga, Unfortunately, it is felt in every part of the Merco Administration, in favor of the "inner political circle".

Let the disaster be even greater, for a longer period of time local responsible authorities instead of taking legal action, "they act like they're in a polar dream", not taking into account that in such a way they harm the interests of the citizens.

Struga and Stružani do not deserve this situation, and that the glass is already filled and with their high consciousness the moment will come when they will express the final judgment for the good and future of their families.

Branch of the Alliance for Albanians – Struga.