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ASH: Ali Ahmeti legitimized the "Bermuda triangle" in Struga.

of BDi, it has long been a party that exudes its wilder clannish side ( finally the campfire with moldy gunpowder ), the fight about which clan will make the law in the party in order to enrich and extort the Albanians in North Macedonia, in quite a few cases, this confrontation of the Albanians has unfortunately also had consequences.

For a long time now, there is no talk of programs in this party, concrete ideas or projects in function of development, drafting preventive strategies against the emigration of Albanians or of other types in function of the perspective and the rule of law. But in DUI, the biggest debate has always been who will control more party power to devour more power in the government..

From this also in Struga, where DUI from time to time tried to keep some balances, between intellectuals, former political prisoners or other categories, this time Ali Ahmeti came out openly in favor of the "Bermuda triangle" by electing Ramiz Merko and Jeton Shaqiri to the leadership of the party even though Kadrioski is absent de jure, which through these de facto, he is a member of the presidency of DUI, because it has absolute influence on Merko and Shaqiri.

This triangle of power in Struga, ie Municipality-University-Ministry, already controls everything in relation to the center, having a free hand even with the blessing of Ali Ahmeti, who, when he comes to Struga, talks about ideal friends, but gives power to people with money and those who meet and consult with the people of the services.

Struga has hope that there is a centrist and there is an Alliance for Albanians, than for those of the "Bermuda Triangle", evil will not be shared with Struga.

Dega ASH – the, Struga.