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French Ambassador to Ramiz Merko: It's a scandal!

French Ambassador to Macedonia North, Kristian Timonie, during a conference in Skopje has been tough and very direct questions of the participants. When asked whether they would take our country date to start negotiations in October, Wheel gave harsh response. He said that we should not expect dated as of October and that one of the reasons is precisely Mayor of Struga. For Ramiz Merko, Ambassador stressed that the wheel behave scandalously.

“Why insist on that date? You have many problems. Struga Mayor behave scandalously. UNESCO would assume the status of Lake Ohrid. You have so much corruption, switching directors so diletanteske schools. It is folly to seek a date for negotiations in this period. You have many problems, You need to work still more you are ready to date. For me it is strange on your obsession! We must not leave them isolated without roads EU, but neither look between your fingers " – clearly said French Ambassador in Skopje, Kritian Timonie, followed VOX Struga.