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Alim Hajredini- as Driton Kuka, from each tour brings medals!


We can freely say that Coach Alim Hajredini- is the same with Driton Kuka of judoists Kosovo champions (Nora Gjakova, Majlinda Kelmendi, Distria Krasniqi) but besides that another discipline that karate and a city with a lot of luck as Struga. For each tour or other sports event it brings some Struga medal for sport in general and karate in particular, This time he brought in Struga 3 medals from Pristina where he held International Karate Tournament “Adem Jashari” (25.11.2018) transmits voxstruga.mk
Within the Karate Union of Albanian from Macedonia were presented three athletes Struga K Club. K “Drina” They are adorned with two gold medals and one bronze.
Me medals acres in stolisën: Velerda Seferi and Hamza Zylali while the bronze medals Sara Sinan!

Editorial VOX Struga wishes Coach champion z.Hajredini many successes and medals and the karate club “Drina”.

/VOX Struga /