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Struga Alliance counts “affairs” e Ramiz Merkos!

Honorable citizens,

We showed understanding for a while and not made any public response to the leadership of the local government in Struga. Primarily due to the holy month of Ramadan not wanted to tire fasting with daily politics. Then we waited to finish their work auditors and inspectors who made many of the necessary controls in municipal administration. Allowed some time Ramiz Merko and his associates try to work and prepare for the summer season.
Today if you count some of the work done by this local administration:

  • Roundabout to Bridge Morovishtit. A year went by when Ramiz Merko and his associates promoted as a major project and since then no moves have been made in this direction. The road is broken and more risk to the lives of citizens.
  • landfill stays in place. Many promises and many violated deadlines. The landfill is growing and growing every day;
  • decades-old trees were cut almost in all city Struga;
  • promenade begun to adjust to the yard St. George Church is not yet finished although it has been about a year since the beginning of works;
  • They are opening new lanes entering the city in a short distance, They will not have any positive impact on traffic progress. On the contrary, done without proper study, It can increase the chaos in traffic during the summer season;
  • They burned reeds around the lake shore and began to carry out several construction activities. Yes usurped public property. Built wedding halls while they have obtained permission for sports hall. Chairman says it's billiard hall. Whom do you think that this man lying?!
  • They spent hundreds of thousands of euros for lunches and dinners Inappropriate, by the President, affiliates and its partners. All money from the citizens of Struga Budget.
  • spent thousands of euros for gasoline, Petroleum and Petroleum Products, the Citizens' Budget, The walk to advertise chairman men. On behalf of the municipality they have filled their private cars with petrol and diesel associates and family members of the Mayor;
  • spent money close association with the Struga Mayor. Payments were made in violation of the law, are not even asked for the NGO Committee on the Municipal Council. Allocation of funds is inappropriate, but with party orders.
  • spending money on advocacy services to attorneys from Bitola, while in Struga has full professional and worthy advocates to represent the interests of Struga and Struga citizens.
  • They are forged documents from associates Ramiz Merkos. They have gained senior management positions with fake documents. Some leading units or managerial positions in municipal administration are advanced without just having committed serious violations. All this is done under the knowledge of “Head Doctor” and the director of its policies;
  • They were purchased vehicles for administration services and a super luxury vehicle for walking and advertise the mayor drivers. circle 120 thousand euros were spent in vain.
  • They carried some illegal constructions in the city. Constructions built on earlier buildings and residential buildings that do not respect any standard and any legal norm. Building inspectors were not allowed to come and examine such cases. Build private residential building adjacent to the building of the High School, while they occupied the windows and light of the sun innocent students. Nobody takes measures for such violations. Such cases are full.
  • For months they stole money from citizens for parking services. Finally presented a ridiculous and scandalous report witnessed vjedhien. Tens of thousands of euros from parking is not known where they are. In someone's pockets. Nobody takes this action.

There are many. For all we will react and will show citizens. You entity policies, but also as citizens of Struga we will denounce all cases the relevant institutions. You also encourage you to submit any suspicious case where you think that affected your right.

Alliance for Albanians – Struga