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1158 new infected in Macedonia, 42 are from Struga

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 6.256 testing, and registered 1.158 new cases of KOVID-19: Skopje - 353, Gostivar - 216, Tetovo - 122 ,Kichevo - 71, Strumica - 69, Kumanovo - 57, Struga - 42, Ohrid - 30, Kavadarci - 26, Debar - 20, bat - 19, Stip - 15, Bitola, Veles and Gevgelija - after 13, Кочани и Ресен – по 10, Sveti Nikole - 9, Kratovo - 8, Пробиштип и Македонски Брод – по 6, Bogdanci - 5, Берово и Виница – по 4, Radovish and Delchevo - after 3, Valandovo, Демир Хисар и Пехчево – по 2, Negotino, Kriva Palanka, Krushevo, Демир Капија и Дојран – по 1.
They are registered 166 оздравени пациент од: Skopje - 39, Tetovo - 38, Kichevo - 16, Kumanovo - 13, Gostivar and Strumica - po 10, Kavadarci - 6, Bitola, Velez, Берово и Дебар – по 5, bat, Kocani, Македонски Брод и Пехчево – по 2, Ohrid, Resen, Radovish, Delchevo, Виница и Демир Капија – по 1.
They have applied 19 begin faces: by 6 deceased persons from Tetovo (54g,65g,74g,74g,79г и 84г), by 5 deceased persons from Gostivar(66g,66g,67g,69г и 71г), by 3 deceased persons from Kumanovo (54g,78г и 85г) и по едно починато лице од Скопје (61g), Strumica(54g), Struga (60g), Sveti Nikole (83g) и Валандово (85g). Од починатите лица 18 пациенти се починати во болнички услови, а еден пациент е починат дома.
Made 6.256 tests through: ИЈЗ-348, ЦЈЗ Скопје-58, ЦЈЗ Битола-84, ЦЈЗ Прилеп-70, ЦЈЗ Тетово–174, ЦЈЗ Куманово–62, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-0, Forensic Medicine-0, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, UK Pulmonology with Allergology – 3, GOB September 8th-0, Институт за микробиологија–154, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-123, Авицена-446, Биотек-272, Систина-101, лабораторија Лаор-586, Синлаб-57, Ремедика-24, Плодност–49, Genea -3, Никоб лаб-790, ВФВ Медикал-72, Ели Медика-79, Royal Medica - 95,  PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 2.606.
So far, the country has done a total 1.086.075 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 165.684, the number of recovering patients is 151.401, of the dead is 5.608, and the number of active cases is 8.675. According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total), Active cases (in total) Skopje 71919, Active 2827 Kumanovo 9531, Active 540 bat 8443, Active 102 Tetovo 9092, Active 1555 Bitola 6501, Active 159 Velez 5564, Active 78 Gostivar 6653, Active 1301 Kavadarci 5256, Active 79 Ohrid 5263, Active 241 Stip 5054, Active 85 Strumica 4564, Active 397 Struga 3218, Active 231 Kocani 2878, Active 70 Kichevo 3119, Active 459 Gevgelija 2214, Active 17 Negotino 2191, Active 7 Sveti Nikole 1560, Active 30 Resen 1300, Active 64 Kriva Palanka 1235, Active 7 Radovish 1223, Active 51 Berovo 1090, Active 47 Delchevo 995, Active 20 Debar 1143, Active 160 Vinica 919, Active 30 Probistip 802, Active 13 Valandovo 698, Active 24 Bogdanci 499, Active 5 Krushevo 492, Active 2 Demir Hisar 406, Active 6 Demir Kapija 400, Active 3 Kratovo 397, Active 20 Macedonian Ship 395, Active 33 Pehchevo 286, Active 9 Makedonska Kamenica 250, Active 1 Dojran 134, Active 2