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The prices for the cadastral services hit the citizens' pockets – price increase for 90 percent

According to the president of the Chamber of Commerce for Geodetic Works, Nikola Ribaroski, the latest price increases of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre will hit the citizens' pockets directly.

"It is strange that we, as a chamber, will give reasons for the tariff lists carried by the agency, and they send some kind of harsh announcements that confuse both the professional public and the citizens.
We are raising our voice against the masking of what the agency is doing, then goals 10 years on the tariff for services of private surveying companies is now masked by the repeated enormous price increases of the cadastre, which are a direct blow to the pocket of the ordinary citizen", he says.

The agency, according to Ribaroski, such price increases are justified by the increased costs of electricity, of software licenses, of increased wages for employees.

"The prices that are now predicted are much more realistic than before.". Previously we had prices that were absolutely illogical based on all costs, the companies did not have any profitability.
The title deed two years ago cost 153 MKD, they raised it to 250 MKD, now the latest increase in price is not reflected in the title deed, but it refers to the first entry in the property register. Now the citizens will pay 1250 denars per title deed", explained Rybaroski.

This means that for the registration of a newly purchased apartment in the Real Estate Cadastre Agency, for a title deed instead 1,250 MKD, citizens will have to pay the least 3.750 MKD, because during the change of ownership they will have to pay for each title deed separately, that will cost the citizens 3,750 MKD, plus 600 denars for notary services. If they also buy a garage, they will have to pay for another title deed, i.e. additional 1.250 MKD.

It is not an increase in price from 300 percent as reported in some articles, Rybaroski explained, but as he calculated, now it's about a price increase from the maximum 90 percents.

"Depending on which service we are talking about.", it is an increase in price from 50, 70, up to maximum 90 percent, so there is no price increase anywhere 300 percent", says Rybaroski.

He assesses that the Cadastre Agency, with its functioning, calls into question the functioning of the entire legal system in the country.