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Two other cases of unlicensed doctors at Vevcani Health Center

Additionally, in the full examination of the said event, The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office Struga came to other knowledge based on which it established two other cases.

The, the first case concerns the director of the Vevcani Health Center, for whom there are indications that from 2019 year had certain knowledge that the person who presented himself as a doctor did not possess a license from the Medical Chamber. He was notified of this in writing by a letter from the Medical Chamber. However, despite such knowledge, he enabled the applicant to continue practicing medicine at the Health Center in Vevcani until the second half of 2022 year. In this way, there are indications that the director of PHI Zdravstven dom Vevcani committed a crime - Abuse of official position and authorization by a member 353 of the Criminal Code.

From the documentation provided, The basic public prosecutor's office in Struga came to the knowledge that an advertisement for employment in 2019 In 2008, two female candidates who did not have licenses at the time applied to the PJU Zdravstven dom - Vevcani. Besides that, The Employment Selection Commission concluded that they meet the legal requirements. Considering that without licenses they could not be employed as doctors in a health facility, a contract was concluded with them and they were accepted as trainees. After a few months later they secured the licenses, without a new announcement being made, employment contracts were concluded with both candidates.

Bearing in mind such insights, The Basic Public Prosecutor's Office Struga investigates allegations of criminal acts - Abuse of official position and authorization by a member 353 and Malpractice in the service according to article 353c of the Criminal Code for the director of PHI Zdravstven dom – Vevcani, as well as for three members of the Employment Selection Commission.