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A young man from Struga was arrested / The young Strugan is arrested

On 09.09.2022 year 21.45 J.M. was deprived of his liberty at the Struga Prison.(20) Struga. During an inspection carried out on "Dimche Kovaceski" street in Struga, police officers found and seized four bags of marijuana from him. After fully documenting the case, against him will be brought.

more 09.09.2022, at time 21:45, in the Struga Internal Affairs Unit, J.M. was deprived of his liberty.(20) Struga. During the control carried out on "Dimçe Kovačeski" street in Struga, police officers found and confiscated four bags of marijuana. After the complete documentation of the case, the appropriate lawsuit will be filed against him .

SPB Ohrid , from Labunista