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Third episode of the series "Where does our money go?“ – VMRO Lathe: The municipality was left with a fraction of 6 denars from the spent 7 millions for cars

Thanks to the voting coalition SDSM-DUI, the garage of the Municipality of Struga was renewed with several new vehicles. For them in the budget of 2018 year were provided 7.000.000 (seven million) MKD, and they were left with a fraction of 6 MKD. Which means they are all spent. With half of the amount spent you could meet the needs for renewal and rehabilitation of the vehicle fleet. Let us not misunderstand, vehicles are needed, but care should be taken about the capacity and capabilities of the municipality. It is not normal for a municipality to have a debt of 4.5 millions of euros to behave even more abnormally, after their arrears have been settled with government assistance.

Mayor Ramiz Merko, then, in a guest appearance on national television he said that it was appropriate for him to drive a car from 70.000 euros, because some overtook him in megalomania and drove more expensive cars. Just a reminder, in the same municipality live people who end up making ends meet, and their car is an abstract notion.

No one will call you for modesty and sacrifice in your work. The demand for responsibility comes as a result of incompetence and greed.