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scandal / Patient negative to Kovid19, transmitted between infected by this virus in Skopje Clinic

VOX and Struga in7, during these days wrote about a patient that the Department of Internal Diseases in Struga was taken by ambulance to the Clinic in Skopje. Struga suspected that the patient could be infected by the coronavirus Kovid19, so they waited out the results, They therefore decided to carry Skopje. Although her health was severe, with such doctors further risk patient.

The result came NEGATIVE. But although it looks as good news, not so Bash. The patient is now placed in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, where currently treat patients in serious condition and positive for coronavirus Kovid19. So it is surrounded by patients with coronavirus.

This means that the transfer of the patient from Struga to Skopje, except that risked the health condition of the patient, It was the huge mistake of doctors or the management of the General Hospital Struga.

“The patient GJ.K the village Labunishta, a negative test for bolesga Kovid – 19, but her deteriorating health has undergone an even greater risk, because the doctors from the Department of Internal Diseases in Struga, of unprofessionalism and ignorance, or by the inability of management of the hospital in Struga to ensure basic conditions for treating a patient in isolation until the results come out, decided to carry Skopje. I know that in the clinic to treat cases of severe zdravsgvena sheet and positive Kovid19. This proves that the decision of the General Hospital Struga was scandalous, because they are not taken into account any recommendations from the Ministry of Health”, say about in7, hospital officials, transmitted voxstruga.

now, although negative, GJ.K patient must remain in the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje, because it is surrounded by patients positive Kovid, and the possibility to be infected if not already infected in Clinic, it is great.

Megjudrugo, GJ.K patient suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, hypertension and obesity. /