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The situation gets out of control / 180 new cases in the country, one from Struga

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 1272 test, and registered 180 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-109, Kumanovo-26, Debar-1, Stip-15, Tetovo-12, Struga-1, Veles-1, Bitola-1, Ohrid-1, Gostivar-8, Gevgelija-2, Valandovo-1, Sveti Nikole-1, Negotino-1.

Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 11 well-healed patients, in: Skopje-6, Prilep-1, Veles-4. Two people died.

A patient from Kumanovo died at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions 52 years years, treated at the clinic from 30 May. A patient from Skopje died in the CGH "September 8" on 68 years, hospitalized on 29 May.  

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 2790, the number of recovering patients is 1632, of the dead is 149, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 1009. Yesterday, after the end of the epidemiological surveys, it was determined that one of the positive tests from Skopje is a control test.. Accordingly, the latest distribution by cities is as follows:
• Skopje 1158, active 552
• Kumanovo 526, active 110
• Debar 52, active 1
• Stip 142, active 104
• Bat 217, active 31
• Tetovo 257, active 100
• Struga 91, active 19
• Velez 138, active 28
• Bitola 29, active 3
• Ohrid 25, active 8
• Kavadarci 6, active 1
• Gostivar 41, active 20
• Gevgelija 6, active 2
• Strumica 5, active 3
• Kriva Palanka 6, active 0
• Radovish 4, active 0
• Krushevo 3, active 0
• Kocani 41, active 10
• Probistip 5, active 3
• Demir Hisar 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod 2, active 0
• Pehchevo 3, active 0
• Berovo 2, active 1
• Valandovo 3, active 2
• Vinica 3, active 1
• Delchevo 1, active 0
• Kratovo 3, active 1
• Sveti Nikole 3, active 3
• Kichevo 3, active 1
• Negotino 14, active 5 (*8 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)

Made 1272 dough are through: IJZ –604, CJZ Skopje-56, Avicenna –136, Biotech -119, Jean Mitrev (Philip II) –155, Sistina with PCR method -111 and MANU -91.
So far, the country has done a total 34386 tests for the acid -19.
From the total number of tests performed in the past 24 hours 16 The tests are part of the screening in kindergartens in Stip, no positive cowboy results-19.

At the Infectious Diseases Clinic in the past 24 hours apply 10 new patients, from them 5 were transferred from the CGH "September 8". They are currently hospitalized in total 53 patients, there are no patients on mechanical ventilation.

Until this morning, in the CGH "September 8" were received 7 new, and totally hospitalized 27 patients. The respiratory machine is 7, and with a more severe clinical picture 6 patients.

They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 9 patients, and are being treated at home through a hospital 2 patients. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 19 patients. At the infectious wards in Ohrid, Velez, Kumanovo and Prilep are hospitalized 29 patients – positive and suspicious of cobweb-19.