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The situation is alarming – The coronavirus continues to take lives

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 3.948 test, and registered 1.272 new cases of KOVID-19 in: Skopje - 619, Bitola - 75, bat - 65, Kumanovo - 61, Tetovo - 50, Kavadarci - 40, Velez – 39, Ohrid - 34, Stip - 32, Струмица и Струга – по 23, Kocani - 22, Кичево и Берово – по 21, Gostivar - 19, Negotino - 18, Крива Паланка – 17, Gevgelija - 15, Valandovo - 11, Resen - 10, Radovish - 9, Sveti Nikole, Пробиштип и Виница – по 8, Delchevo - 5, Demir Kapija, Кратово и Пехчево – по 4, Bogdanci, Demir Hisar and Makedonska Kamenica - po 2, Krushevo – 1.
Registered 868 recovered patients from: Skopje - 421, Ohrid - 55, Kumanovo - 50, bat - 46, Velez - 35, Kavadarci - 27, Неготино и Гевгелија – по 25, Штип и Струмица – по 20, Bitola - 19, Gostivar - 17, Тетово и Струга – по 16, Kichevo - 14, Kocani and Radovish - after 12, Berovo - 7, Kratovo - 5, Крива Паланка и Крушево – по 4, Ресен и Пробиштип – по 3, Valandovo, Sveti Nikole, Vinica, Delchevo and Bogdanci - after 2, Демир Капија и Македонска Каменица – по 1.
Registered in total 33 begin faces: 12 from Skopje (34g,45g,59g,62g,65g,72g,73g,75g, 78g,79g,80г и 84г), by 2 patients from Prilep (65г и 85г), Kumanovo (68г и 69г), Tetovo (68g and 74g), Velez (68g and 78g), Ohrid (49g and 83g), Kichevo (73г и 80г) и Виница (59г и 84г), а по еден пациент е пријавен од Кавадарци (79g), Bitola (41g), Strumica (49g), Negotino (61g), Kriva Palanka (84g), Valandovo (83g) и Крушево (85g). Сите пријавени смртни случаи се починати во болнички услови.
Made 3.948 tests through: ИЈЗ-479, ЦЈЗ Скопје-106, ЦЈЗ Битола-103, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-0, Судска медицина-40, laboratory of Kozle-15 Hospital, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-3, GOB September 8th-0, Институт за микробиологија–0, МАНУ-144, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-231, Авицена-314, Биотек-337, Систина-285, лабораторија Лаор-176, Синлаб-112, Remedika-46, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 1.557.
So far, the country has done a total 620.810 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 128.511, the number of recovering patients is 106.392, of the dead is 3.749, and the number of active cases is 18.370.
According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total) Skopje 57564, active 9329bat 6997, active 1047 Kumanovo 6744, active 782Tetovo 6273, active 577 Gostivar 4493, active 453Velez 4418, active 652 Kavadarci 4407, active 697Bitola 4333, active 677 Stip 4227, active 410Ohrid 4086, active 709 Strumica 3216, active 315Struga 2667, active 215 Kocani 2229, active 227Kichevo 1986, active 158 Negotino 1910, active 389Gevgelija 1792, active 363 Sveti Nikole 1256, active 111Kriva Palanka 1061, active 104 Resen 992, active 155 Radovish 886, active 101 Debar 848, active 44 Delchevo 840, active 88 Berovo 832, active 112 Probistip 681, active 93 Vinica 600, active 63 Valandovo 505, active 74 Krushevo 431, active 129 Bogdanci 401, active 70 Demir Kapija 353, active 81 Kratovo 326, active 24 Demir Hisar 322, active 43 Macedonian Ship 292, active 30 Pehchevo 230, active 30 Makedonska Kamenica 203, active 9 Dojran 110, active 9