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I am sure that this is the long-awaited Struga movement!

Thank you!

From the day I announced my candidacy for mayor of Struga, my life has changed in only one aspect. Accustomed to being an activist for many years, fieldwork has long been a way of life for me, so meeting people is nothing new, but… the biggest change and surprise is their reaction that exceeded all my expectations! The enthusiasm and energy I face in them is extraordinary! The desire to build a new reality, the readiness of so many people from the city to the most remote village, is so large that I can define it as Phenomenal!

I worked behind the scenes all my life, I avoided them because I was busy working in the field, where there was always a need. Now that I'm running, I took the step to face this life challenge, I never thought I would have this support I see! Therefore, Thank you to everyone for giving me this strong and comprehensive candidacy! To every man, of those with whom I had only one greeting, and today they stop and tell me that they are with me on this journey, to those who got to work and joined forces with me, Thank you! I am sure that this is the long-awaited Struga movement!

To each of the thousands I have met these days, you say: THANK YOU!

Sincerely Idri Istrefi