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Still unknown perpetrators / The move Struga-Kalista dust and ashes

Unscrupulous citizens for personal interests and profit destroy the natural biodiversity of Lake Ohrid for years.

"Every year, this destruction is growing. From what can be seen today on the stretch Struga-Kalista, we see that more than a third of the reed has been destroyed. Destroyed bird habitats, dead animals a picture that is really tragic and that does not fit ", says Nikola Kukunesh, a civil activist.

It is worrying that the perpetrators remain unknown. The authorities have not heard to stop the destruction of the reed, say activists.

"What is missing in this link for protection and prevention is the active involvement of all those concerned and especially the inspection services that have the authority to prevent.", adds Kukunesh.

The Criminal Code for Illegal Coastal Transformation and Destruction provides for a prison sentence of three months to three years, but in practice there are no penalties.

One third of the reeds in Struga Kalista have been destroyed. Unknown perpetrators burn her first, and then compacted.

Sonja Rilkovska – MRT