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bullets were found at him 24 annual from Struga | arrested 24 old from Struga

On 18.11.20220 year 22.30 pm, due to an offense per article 113 from the Law on Fishing and Aquaculture, O.D. was detained in the Struga OVR.(24) Struga. During the inspection carried out on the coast of the Black Dream river near Struga, the police officers found and seized a bag belonging to him containing a caught eel. tried a sharp object, Appropriate charges will be filed.

By date 18.11.2020 at time 22:30, in the Internal Affairs Unit in Struga, O.D. was arrested.(24) from Struga for misdemeanors according to the article 113 of the Law on Fisheries and Aquaculture. During the control exercised on the bank of the river Drini i Zi in the vicinity of Struga, police officers found and seized a bag of his, filled with eels. After thorough documentation of the case will be brought in the appropriate charges. SPB Ohrid