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Two Struga residents detained, used heroin / Two ostriches are arrested, used heroin

On 19-05-2020 in 15.35 pm, L.O. were detained in OVR Struga.  (34) and B.P.(32), both from Struga. They were found in an abandoned room on Vlado Maleski Street in Struga at the moment of using the narcotic drug heroin.. Against them, Appropriate charges will be filed.

in 19-05-2020 at 15.35, in the Struga Internal Affairs Unit, were arrested L.O.. (34) and B.P. (32), both from Struga. They were found in an abandoned area on the road “Vlado Maleski” in Struga using heroin narcotics. A proper lawsuit will be filed against them.
Ohrid Department of Internal Affairs Public Relations Office.