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The proposed anti-crisis measures of VMRO, which were rejected by the President of the Council

In the text below you can read the proposed measures of the councilors of VMRO-DPMNE in the Council of the Municipality of Struga. The measures were to better deal with the crisis. The biggest defender of these measures was the councilor Valentina Pereska, which persistently demanded that this proposal be included in the agenda. But, The President of the Council rejected the proposal. And what is it about?, you will understand below.

These measures relate to the provision of Compensation to affected artisans, immigrants and economic entities, exemption and reduction of payments, on the basis of taxes and fees to the Municipality of Struga, and the funds will be provided through the conversion of certain items on the expenditure side, as well as by reducing all unnecessary expenses that during a year in which there is a state of emergency and a crisis of this nature should be reduced or completely reduced..

In addition, we present the proposed measures:

Measure 1. Compensation assistance for craftsmen, farmers and economic entities that are closed (do not work) due to a pandemic with the COVID-19 virus

– Urgent REGISTRATION of the funds intended for Travel and daily expenses and Expenses for national team (for the rest 8 months) in funds intended for SUBMISSION FOR SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN, EARTHQUAKES AND ECONOMIC SUBJECTS that are currently affected and closed due to compliance with the measures taken by the Government against the pandemic with the COVID-19 virus in the amount of at least 10.000,00 denars per month for the months of April and May (depending on the number of employees and the volume of economic activity performed in the past before the crisis).

Measure 2. Property tax from individuals and legal entities

–  50% PAYMENT after this tax for all natural persons and legal entities that are taxpayers of this tax for 2020.

– DISCLOSURE from paying property tax, for 2020 for people who lost their jobs as a result of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic with the COVID-19 virus

Measure 3. Communal fee for highlighting the company - firmarina:

– to be REASONABLE from payment for 2020 of this fee all economic entities that have direct loss, they do not perform any economic activity and are affected by the situation with the COVID-19 virus.

– 50% Reduction of this to other entities that perform economic activity, but with a reduced volume.

Measure 4. Utility fee for using passenger streets, freight, motor vehicles, buses, special vehicles and motorcycles when registering vehicles:

– 50% Reduction for all legal entities and individuals due to the situation with the COVID-19 virus after this fee for 2020.

Measure 5. Utility fee for using the space in front of business premises for performing activities

– 50% REDUCTION for all legal entities after this fee for 2020.

Measure 6. Utility bill for advertising, publish and advertise in public places- To be FREE from paying all legal entities after this fee for 2020.

Measure 7. Interest on non-timely payment of utility fees

To be FREE from payment to all legal entities and natural persons on this interest for 2020

Measure 8. Deferred payment of water and sewerage costs and utilities, for people who lost their jobs due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic with the COVID-19 virus for 6 months

Measure 9. Refund of funds paid in the name of tourist tax for 2020 for hotels and private accommodation

Measure 10. Exemption from monthly kindergarten allowance for 2020 for children whose parents have lost their jobs due to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic with the COVID-19 virus

Measure 11. Stopping the procedure for filing lawsuits for collection of monetary claims and actions before bailiffs and notaries until September 2020

The Municipality of Struga and the public enterprises established by the Municipality of Struga, not to file lawsuits for collection of monetary claims to the competent courts, proposals for issuance of notary travel orders to competent notaries and requests for enforcement of enforcement proceedings against bailiffs, nor to take any other action to collect claims, except in cases where there is a danger of their obsolescence,

Measure 12. Establishment of a solidarity fund within the Municipality of Struga for assistance to individuals and legal entities

Measure 13. Urgent and rapid realization of capital investments provided in the 2020 budget

Reduction of unnecessary expenditures in the items on the expenditure side of the budget of the Municipality of Struga for 2020

-Travel and daily expenses (for the rest 8 months)

-Magazines, newspapers and other publications for use by employees (for the rest 8 months)

-Other materials (for which no purpose is specified) – (for the rest 8 months)

-Other contractual services (for which no purpose is specified) – (for the rest 8 months)

-Representation expenses (for the rest 8 months)

-Seminars and conferences (for the rest 8 months)

-Other operating expenses (for which no purpose is specified) – (for the rest 8 months)

-Temporary employment (for the rest 8 months)

-Other transfers (for which no purpose is specified)

-Buying kitchen equipment

-Buying other equipment (for which no purpose is specified)

-Buying office furniture

-Buying other furniture (for which no purpose is specified)

We sincerely hope so, that the Council of the Municipality of Struga, will accept these proposed measures by which in this difficult time, it will help businessmen and citizens.

With respect,

Center for Communications of VMRO-DPMNE, OK-Struga