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“curfew” some villages in Struga

Struga villages Labunishta Podgorci, Borovets, Oktisi and Jablanica tonight under special measures in sosotanokot axis IAD Struga.   

They inform residents of Labunishta, Podgorci, Borovets, Oktisi and Jablanica that day 14.03.2020 the meeting was held between the communities of s.Labunishta Podgrci Oktisi Borovec and Jablanica and representatives of IAD Struga Struga PS IN Veleshta LV GW Labunishta about taking measures to protect against the virus KOVID 19.

Due to received information about violation of the recommendations of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia 'self-isolation within 14 days of people coming from high-risk zemiji where larger swing takes spreading of virisot KOVID 19 the meeting was held the following conclusions were: Police officers in the coming period will increasingly perform determination of identity through the streets s.Labunishta Podgrci Oktisi Borovec and Jablanica.

In further company, where it is stated that legitmiriani people who come from high-risk countries spread coronavirus and does not live up to recommendations 14 self-isolation days in their own homes or were found wading through s.Labunishta Podgrci Oktisi Borovec and Jablanica said persons may be criminally responsible under Article 205 and 206 criminal law of PCM that can face imprisonment up to one year.

If police officers have knowledge of people who have come from high-risk zemiji not respect the recommendations for self-isolation in their homes will carry out checks if they are in their own homes and respect the decision of the government of PCM for self-isolation of the said persons.

All measures taken in order to preserve our environment for spread of the virus KOVID 19 and strive to come to a understanding of the local population,states voopshtenieto the communities of the five villages.