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Ohrid SOS report cementing the lake in Struga road – Kalista

Continued arbitrariness of certain individuals, who do not mind the constant pressure, media exposure of the problem last period, so on certain plots between Struga and Kalista they are compacted, install concrete fences, burn reeds and other vegetation in broad daylight, and construction debris is deposited in several locations. It seems like this is no man's land, as if the laws of the state did not apply here, as if there is no control by the competent institutions.
Make the most of every moment, having in mind the announcement of the Government that the competencies for the beaches in Ohrid and Struga will be transferred from the municipal to the state level. It is not known who is usurping, who builds, people with private vehicles were on the ground, leveled terrain, buildings built in several places next to the lake, parked vehicles, fenced with wire. Only a few photos attached. The view is horrible. This situation was not mentioned in the response of the Macedonian institutions to UNESCO. This deliberate destruction of nature is consciously silenced, the reed belt which is most consistent here. Everyone is silent, the location is outside the city, inconspicuous, which is another good moment for these usurpers.
We invite you to visit this location, your colleagues, correspondents to record all actions, let it be filmed, let them be found in the wilderness, in the middle of the reed, which destroy part of the natural heritage of the Ohrid region. Put extra pressure by notifying, you will emphasize that there are places in the country where no laws apply, where no one comes, neither the inspector nor anyone else. Where the habitat of many animal and plant species is devastated, specific to this area.

With respect,Activists of the Civic Initiative Ohrid SOS