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Three firefighters who were putting out a fire on the roof of a house in the village of Radozhda were injured by electric shock.

Three firefighters were injured during intervention on a fire on the roof of a house in the village of Radozhda in Struga, the commander of the Territorial anti-fire unit in Struga confirmed about MIA, Feti Mazari.

according to him, the fire was reported last night in 23 hour and 30 minutes, after which six firefighters intervened.

-The firefighters are in good health, and the fire is completely extinguished, Mazari said.

SVR Ohrid announced that last night approx 23 hour and 40 minutes, a fire was reported in a house near the village of Radozhda in Struga, property of A.S. from the same village.

-During the intervention of the Territorial Fire Fighting Unit from Struga, three firefighters who were putting out the fire were injured by electric shock. They were taken to the General Hospital in Struga, where they were diagnosed with physical injuries, were released for home treatment, spokesman Stefan Dimoski clarified.

The case is being cleared up.