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Niazi Jumkar: Hundreds of thousands of euros of the citizens of Struga were spent in vain, because the asphalting is done unprofessionally, like the "cat with the tail"

Honorable citizens,

In recent days we have witnessed a euphoria of asphalting by the Municipality of Struga and Ramiz Merkos. Although in an election campaign and without legal rights, the current mayor is paving roads and alleys with asphalt, not criteria, without any standard, AROUND 2 and somewhere 4 centimeters thick, just to deceive the citizens on the eve of the elections and for one more vote.

By, when your intentions are bad, plans fail and nature embarrasses you. The rain that started last night and continues during the day, exposed all the deceptions of Ramiz Merko. Millions of denars, hundreds of thousands of euros of the citizens of Struga have gone to waste because the asphalting has been done “step and go”. With just one ride through the streets of the city, you will notice that the new roads paved during the election campaign are filled with water and are impassable by citizens. This causes traffic chaos and major obstacles in the movement of citizens.

therefore, honorable, don't be fooled now. Do not believe the promises of those who 3 mandates have become masters of deception. There are still a few days left and Struga will breathe freely. It will eventually be released from irresponsible persons, who have only enriched themselves at the expense of the citizens and the institutions treat them as their personal property. Nothing more.

more 17 October, without much fanfare, with lips in gas and with a high forehead. Circle the number SIX, vote CLEAN and we will liberate our beautiful Struga!

Thank you!

Dear citizens,

These days, we are witnessing a euphoria of asphalting by the Municipality of Struga and Ramiz Merko. Although we are in the middle of an election campaign and without a legal right, the current mayor of the municipality started paving streets and alleys without any criteria, without any standard, somewhere after 2, and sometimes by 4 inches thick, with the sole purpose of deceiving the citizens at the beginning of the elections and only for the benefit of one additional vote.

But, when the intentions are bad, plans fail and nature puts you to shame. The rain that started to fall and continues throughout the day, exposed all the deceptions of Ramiz Merko. Millions of denars, hundreds of thousands of euros of the citizens of Struga were wasted, because the asphalting is done unprofessionally, like the "cat with the tail". With just one walk through the streets of the city, you will notice that the newly paved streets during the pre-election campaign, they are filled with water and impassable, it is impossible for citizens to pass through the streets. This causes traffic chaos and major obstacles in the movement of citizens.

Therefore, respected, don't let yourself be fooled now. Don't trust those who have become professional scammers during their three terms. A few more days are left and Struga will breathe freely. He will finally get rid of the irresponsible people, which only got rich at the expense of the citizens and the institutions treat them as if they were their personal property. Nothing more.

On 17 October, without much fuss, with a smile on his face and with his head held high, circle the number SIX, vote CLEAN and let's free our beautiful city of Struga!

Thank you!