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There are no new cases in Struga / A patient of 46 age

The Ministry of Health informs that today the Institute of Public Health registers 21 cured patients – 16 from Skopje, 3 from Kumanovo and 2 from Stip, all were treated at home. With this to this day, the number of patients cured in the country is 200.

Three cobweb-positive 19 patients died. A patient from Labunista died at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions 46 age, application of 29 March, and a longer period of time was spent on mechanical ventilation, and one 71 annual patient from Prilep, treated at the clinic by 15 April.

A patient from Kumanovo died at the CGH "September 8" 63 age, hospitalized in critical condition 6 April and immediately placed on a respiratory machine.

in the past 24 hours have been confirmed 18 new cases of coronavirus.


With this, the total number of diagnosed patients with covid-19 in our country is 1225 , and the last distribution by city is:
 Skopje - 411
. Kumanovo – 338
Бар Debar - 51
. Stip-34
Леп Prilep –117
 Tetovo - 57
 Struga - 55
 Veles - 59
 Bitola –17
 Ohrid –15
. Kavadarci – 4
 Gostivar –13
 Gevgelija - 4
 Strumica - 2
. Kriva Palanka-4
 Radovish – 4
Ру Krushevo - 3
 Kocani - 27
Би Probistip - 2
 Kicevo - 2
 Negotino -2
 Demir Hisar - 1
 Makedonski Brod -2
. Pehchevo- 1

In the past day and night made 263 test. Through IPH-252, via Veterinary F-Tet -0, Avicenna -0, Biotech-0, Philip II (Jean Mitrev) –0 and Sistina with PCR method -11. So far, the country has done a total 12133 tests for the acid -19.

At the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions in Skopje, apply 3 patients from Skopje, Struga and Prilep with a medium-severe and severe condition. They are totally hospitalized 56, from which 18 are on oxygen support, a 3 of mechanical ventilation.

They were admitted to the CGH "September 8" 15 new patients. Successful patients who received a negative result were transferred to other departments, so they are currently hospitalized in the cobweb department 34 confirmed and suspected patients. With a more severe clinical picture 9 patients, a 6 to a respirator machine.

They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 14 patients confirmed and suspected of cobwebs, and home treatment is followed 15 patients.

At the moment, they are being treated at the hospital in Stip 5 covid positive patients, all in stable condition, and home treatment is followed 19 patients.