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Several thefts per night Vranista

Citizens of the village Vranista, VOX reported in Struga that last night 2 to 4 lesson after midnight, stolen several items in this village.

As residents say, stolen 4 shops, a house and a café.

“Last night Vranista defrauded several local shops and houses in the center around 2 to 4 am, just in my neighborhood without anyone zaprimeti, except that only listened aggressively barking dogs”- say about VOX Struga residents Vranishta.

Some doubt the strangers, come from outside Struga.

“By chance I heard children in the neighborhood chatting that they offered a strange man who posed Prilep with sandwiches and walk” – tells a concerned woman from this village VOX Struga.

For more details on these events will await official notification from the Ministry of Interior. / /