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Merko promised social buildings in Struga, but there is not even a brick from them

Struga is perhaps the only larger city in the country where a social building has not yet been built, despite the great need for it. Social housing in Struga remained only empty words and promises from the authorities.

About fifty Roma families live in poverty and unsanitary conditions here in the Roma settlement at the entrance to Struga.. They say that they no longer believe in the promise of the local government here in Struga that in this place, in place of their houses, they will build social housing.
The citizens of this neighborhood tell Alsat that the conditions are below any human dignity.

"There are many at risk who cannot prosper in life. It's nice that they build social housing here.", said one citizen.
"Two or three years ago, he promised, but here, we still live like this. What did the mayor promise you?? That he will build us a social building. It is not a nice place to live here. It's not nice, see how it is there is no hygiene. Everyone needs a social apartment, this is not how you live in shacks", added another.

Mayor Merko in March 2021 year promised that two buildings for poor families are planned to be built on this space.

"Detailed plan where we have foreseen two stamps from 50 to 60 apartments maybe more apartments, and we already have a request from 40 families. If we do a math, we can place all those with temporary wild objects in that part", said Ramiz Merko, Mayor of Struga.

"It was that he was going to do something to us, but nothing happened. Social housing is everywhere in Macedonia, only we don't have it, but why, I do not know. We believed Merco, but that didn't happen here...", emphasized another citizen.

Otherwise, from the state joint-stock company for the management of residential and business space informed us that the project, which provided for the construction of 32 facilities for socially vulnerable categories of citizens is in the final phase. But, Struga was not part of it. Alsat asked the municipality of Struga why a social building has not been built so far and whether a request for the construction of such facilities has been submitted., but we did not receive an answer./Alsat.mk

By Miki Trajkovski