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Coronavirus in Macedonia – 27 new infected in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 7.571 testing, and registered 1.074 new cases of KOVID-19: Skopje - 357, Gostivar and Tetovo - after 155, Kumanovo - 74, Kichevo - 51, Strumica - 40, Debar - 20, Struga– 27, Velez - 22, bat - 21, Bitola and Stip - after 17, Kavadarci - 16, Gevgelija - 15, Sveti Nikole - 13, Resen - 11, Ohrid and Kocani - after 9, Radovish, Valandovo and Kratovo - after 8, Bogdanci - 6, Berovo and Makedonski Brod - after 5, Negotino, Kriva Palanka, Delchevo, Vinica and Pehchevo - after 1. They are registered 291 a recovering patient from: Skopje - 81, Gostivar - 80, Tetovo - 38, Kichevo - 32, Kumanovo and Debar - after 12, Radovish - 7, Bitola and Strumica - po 6, Kavadarci and Valandovo - after 3, bat, Stip, Sveti Nikole and Makedonski Brod - after 2, Velez, Kriva Palanka and Vinica– by 1. They have applied 24 begin faces: by 6 deceased persons from Skopje (69g,70g,73g,76g,77g and 79g),  5 deceased persons from Kumanovo(59g,60g,67g,69g and 78g), 4 deceased persons from Tetovo (47g,62g 67g and 68g), 3 deceased persons from Kicevo (64g,67g and 77g),  2 deceased persons from Gostivar (63g and 74g), one dead person from Valandovo (43g), Ohrid (61g), Strumica (73g), and Bitola (74g). All patients died in hospital.
Made 7.571 test through: IJZ-289, CJZ Skopje-87, CJZ Bitola-114, CJZ Prilep-73, CPH Tetovo – 178, CPH Kumanovo – 86, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-1, Forensic Medicine-1, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, UK Pulmonology with Allergology – 3, GOB September 8th-0, Institute of Microbiology - 120, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-144, Avicenna-532, Biotech-394, Sistina-129, laboratory Laor-612, Sinlab-62, Remedika-25, Fertility – 60, Genea -5, Mask lab-927, VFV Medical-65, Eli Medica-94, Royal Medica - 104,  PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 3.466.
So far, the country has done a total 1.093.646 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 166.741, the number of recovering patients is 151.692, of the dead is 5.632, and the number of active cases is 9.417. According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total), Active cases (in total) Skopje 72267, Active 3088 Kumanovo 9603, Active 595 Tetovo 9247, Active 1668 bat 8463, Active 120 Gostivar 6807, Active 1373 Bitola 6517, Active 168 Velez 5586, Active 99 Kavadarci 5272, Active 92 Ohrid 5271, Active 248 Stip 5071, Active 100 Strumica 4603, Active 429 Struga 3244, Active 257 Kichevo 3170, Active 475 Kocani 2887, Active 79 Gevgelija 2229, Active 32 Negotino 2192, Active 8 Sveti Nikole 1573, Active 41 Resen 1311, Active 75 Kriva Palanka 1236, Active 7 Radovish 1231, Active 52 Debar 1163, Active 168 Berovo 1095, Active 52 Delchevo 996, Active 21 Vinica 920, Active 30 Probistip 802, Active 13 Valandovo 706, Active 28 Bogdanci 505, Active 11 Krushevo 492, Active 2 Demir Hisar 406, Active 6 Kratovo 405, Active 28 Demir Kapija 400, Active 3 Macedonian Ship 400, Active 36 Pehchevo 287, Active 10 Makedonska Kamenica 250, Active 1 Dojran 134, Active 2