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Coronavirus in Macedonia – 16 new cases in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 9.270 testing, and registered 792 new cases of KOVID-19: Skopje - 245, Tetovo - 136, Gostivar - 127, Kumanovo - 59, Kichevo - 42, Strumica - 37, Охрид и Дебар – по 23, Struga - 16, Bitola - 15, Resen - 11, Velez - 9, Stip - 8, Radovish - 7, bat, Кочани и Делчево – по 5, Кавадарци и Виница – по 4, Свети Николе и Берово – по 2, Gevgelija, Negotino, Kriva Palanka, Demir Hisar, Macedonian Ship, Пехчево и Дојран – по 1.
They are registered 104 recovered patients from: Skopje - 31, Tetovo – 26, Gostivar - 16, Kumanovo – 8, Kichevo, Струмица и Берово – по 3, Velez, Stip, Kocani, Кавадарци и Пехчево – по 2, Bitola, Radovish, Прилеп и Македонски Брод – по 1.
They have applied 10 begin faces: 4 deceased persons from Gostivar (44g,65g,69 и 74г), 3 from Skopje (33g,71g and 83g), 2 from Tetovo (67г и 84г) и едно починато лице од Куманово (60g). Сите починати лица се починати во болнички услови.
Made 9.270 tests through: ИЈЗ-198, CJZ Skopje-116, ЦЈЗ Битола-87, ЦЈЗ Прилеп-67, ЦЈЗ Тетово–89, ЦЈЗ Куманово–99, Клиника за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби-3, Судска медицина-3, Kozle Hospital Laboratory-0, UK Pulmonology with Allergology – 2, ГОБ 8-ми Септември-7, Институт за микробиологија–103, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-141, Авицена-581, Биотек-578, Систина-163, лабораторија Лаор-1.304, Синлаб-56, Ремедика-24, Плодност–76, Genea – 18, Никоб лаб-1.497, VFV Medical-65, Ели Медика-105, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 3.888.
So far, the country has done a total 1.055.312 testing kovidah-19.
The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 161.359 the number of recovering patients is 150.774, of the dead is 5.542, and the number of active cases is 5.043. According to epidemiological analyzes at the moment, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total), Active cases (in total) Skopje 70559, Active 1677 Kumanovo 9249, Active 313 bat 8375, Active 41 Tetovo 8487, Active 1079 Bitola 6436, Active 110 Velez 5521, Active 42 Gostivar 5915, Active 668 Kavadarci 5206, Active 46 Ohrid 5139, Active 118 Stip 5004, Active 36 Strumica 4331, Active 193 Struga 3095, Active 112 Kocani 2838, Active 38 Kichevo 2882, Active 266 Gevgelija 2200, Active 3 Negotino 2186, Active 2 Sveti Nikole 1539, Active 11 Resen 1264, Active 30 Kriva Palanka 1232, Active 5 Radovish 1194, Active 29 Berovo 1063, Active 25 Delchevo 985, Active 11 Debar 1066, Active 112 Vinica 906, Active 19 Probistip 791, Active 2 Valandovo 688, Active 18 Bogdanci 494, Active 0 Krushevo 490, Active 0 Demir Hisar 401, Active 1 Demir Kapija, Active 399 3 Kratovo 377, Active 0 Macedonian Ship 382, Active 22 Pehchevo 282, Active 9 Makedonska Kamenica 250, Active 1 Dojran 133, Active 1