NEWS / news

Coronavirus in the state – latest information

The Ministry of Health informs that today the Institute of Public Health registers 11 recovered patients in: Skopje-2, Stip-1, Prilep-4, Veles-2, Kochani-2.

На Клиниката за инфективни болести и фебрилни во Скопје состојби почина 56 annual patient from Prilep, treated at the clinic from 12 May.

in the past 24 h is made 549 test, and registered 40 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje-26, Kumanovo-1, Prilep-1, Tetovo-10, Veles-1, Bitola-1.

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 1898, the number of recovering patients is 1378, of the dead is 111, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 409. The latest distribution by city is:
• Skopje - 673, active 169
• Kumanovo - 419, active 23
• Debar - 51, active 0
• Stip-38, active 3
• Прилеп –204, active 55
• Tetovo - 161, active 73
• Struga - 71, active 5
• Veles - 127, active 52
• Bitola –28, active 9
• Ohrid –21, active 6
• Kavadarci - 5, active 0
• Gostivar - 21, active 4
• Gevgelija - 4, active 0
• Strumica - 3, active 1
• Kriva Palanka- 6, active 1
• Radovish - 4, active 0
• Krushevo - 3, active 0
• Kocani - 31, active 1
• Probistip - 2, active 0
• Kichevo - 2, active 0
• Negotino -9, active 2 (7 PE Negotino residents are residents of Demir Kapija)
• Demir Hisar - 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod – 2, active 0
• Pehchevo- 3, active 1
• Delchevo-1, active 0
• Valandovo -1, active 0
• Vinica - 3, active 1
• Kratovo-2, active 1
• Berovo-1, active 1
• Sveti Nikole-1, active 1

Made 549 dough are through: ИЈЗ –302, Veterinary f-thet -25, Avicenna -24, Biotech -36, Philip II (Jean Mitrev) –42, Sistina with PCR method -26 и МАНУ -94. Досега во земјата се направени вкупно 23316 tests for the acid -19.

From the total number of tests performed in the past 24 hours 209 tests are within screening. Денеска е потврден 1 позитивен случај-вработен во градинка во Скопје.

At the Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions in the past 24 hours apply 7 new patients, are hospitalized in total 49 patients. They are on oxygen support 19, of mechanical ventilation are 2 patients.
They were admitted to the CGH "September 8" 12 new, and totally hospitalized 25 patients. Take a respirator 3, and with a more severe clinical picture 2 patients.

They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 7, home treatment is followed further 3 patients. They are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 5 patients, there are no patients undergoing home treatment. At the effective departments in Tetovo, Velez, Kumanovo and Prilep are hospitalized 45 patients, positive and suspicious of cobweb-19.