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What is the situation with the coronavirus in Struga – The latest report has been published

The Ministry of Health informs, according to data from the Institute of Public Health:
In the last 24 hours are done 3.283 test, and registered 449 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje - 170, bat - 55, Kavadarci – 35, Gevgelija - 23, Tetovo - 19, Ohrid and Kumanovo - after 17, Bitola and Negotino - po 16, Velez - 10, Struga - 8, Strumica and Resen - po 7, Gostivar - 6, Stip, Delchevo and Bogdanci - after 5, Kriva Palanka, Berovo and Kratovo - after 4, Probistip and Demir Kapija - po 3, Kichevo, Debar, Valandovo and Krushevo - after 2, Kocani and Radovish - after 1.
Registered 227 recovered patients from: Skopje - 102, Kumanovo - 41, bat - 17, Kavadarci - 14, Tetovo and Veles - after 8, Stip - 6, Gostivar and Kocani - after 5, Bitola and Strumica - po 4, Gevgelija, Negotino, Resen and Krushevo - after 2, Debar, Probistip, Vinica, Dojran and Makedonski Brod - after 1.
Registered in total 10 begin faces. They are dead 3 patients from Skopje (83g, 79g, 65g), one from Tetovo (72g), Kumanovo (71g), bat (79g), Velez (84g), Ohrid (58g), Kavadarci (65g) and Delchevo (75g). Of the reported deaths, all died in hospital.
Made 3.283 tests through: IJZ-591, CJZ Skopje-66, Avicenna-312, Biotech-207, Jean Mitrev (Philip II)-158, Sistina-232, Laor – 411, MANU-0, Forensic Medicine-7, CJZ Bitola-140, Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions-0, HOOK-0, Sinlab-191, Remedika-23, IBZD Kozle-7, PHI and ROM (rapid test) - in total 932, UK Pulmonology with Allergology-3, GOB September 8-3, laboratories from abroad-0.
So far, the country has done a total 500.551 testing kovidah-19. The total number of KOVID-diagnosed persons in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 99.031, the number of recovering patients is 89.249, of the dead is 3.047, and the number of active cases is 6.735.
According to the completed epidemiological analyzes so far, the distribution by cities is as follows:
Distribution by cities Infected (in total) Active cases (in total)
Skopje 43233, active 2952Kumanovo 5445, active 214
Tetovo 5338, active 236
bat 5082, active 474
Gostivar 3723, active 115
Stip 3602, active 95
Bitola 3357, active 133
Velez 3349, active 238
Ohrid 3118, active 392
Kavadarci 3090, active 466
Strumica 2657, active 155
Struga 2351, active 173
Kocani 1782, active 47
Kichevo 1757, active 62
Sveti Nikole 1100, active 24
Gevgelija 1123, active 132
Negotino 1102, active 123
Debar 787, active 43
Resen 791, active 64
Kriva Palanka 784 , active 54
Radovish 742, active 40
Delchevo 720, active 230
Berovo 634, active 32
Probistip 529, active 22
Vinica 508, active 21
Valandovo 351, active 23
Kratovo 265, active 34
Demir Hisar 257, active 12
Macedonian Ship 251, active 7
Krushevo 252, active 51
Bogdanci 245, active 21
Demir Kapija 234, active 33
Makedonska Kamenica 193, active 5
Pehchevo 184, active 3
Dojran 95, active 9