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Even today, new cases of infected with Kovid in Struga

The Ministry of Health informs that in the last 24 hours are done 1227 test, and registered 156 new cases of covid-19 in: Skopje- 100, Куманово-11, Debar-1, Штип-6, Prilep-1, Tetovo-19, Struga-2, Veles-6, Bitola-1, Ohrid-1, Kavadarci-1, Gostivar-1, Gevgelija-1, Кочани-3, Kratovo-1, Sveti Nikole-1.

Today, the Institute of Public Health registers 27 recovered patients from: Skopje-10, Stip-3, Tetovo-10, Veles-1, Битола-1 и Неготино-2.

They are dead 6 person, четворица пациенти од Скопје и двајца од Тетово. На Клиниката за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби починати се 2 лица од Скопје, пациентка на 70 years, hospitalized on 16 јуни и пациентка на 76 years, from 10 јуни на клиниката.

На Клиниката за нефрологија почината е пациентка од Скопје на 74 години и на Институтот за белодробни заболувања и ТБЦ почината е пациентка од Скопје исто така на возраст од 74 years.

Во ГОБ „8 септември“ почина пациентка од Тетово на 66 years, примена во болницата на 14 June. Во КБ Тетово почина пациент на возраст од 71 year, hospitalized on 16 June.

The total number of cobwebs diagnosed in our country since the beginning of the epidemic is 4820, the number of recovering patients is 1863, of the dead is 222, and currently the number of active cases in the country is 2735. Currently, distribution by cities is as follows:
• Skopje 2343, active 1593
• Kumanovo 679, active 230
• Debar 63, active 11
• Stip 260, active 208
• Bat 230, active 17
• Tetovo 500, active 304
• Struga 149, active 70
• Velez 162, active 34
• Bitola 38, active 9
• Ohrid 91, active 72
• Kavadarci 9, active 4
• Gostivar 79, active 53
• Gevgelija 9, active 5 (*2 persons from PE Gevgelija are residents of Bogdanci)
• Strumica 10, active 7
• Kriva Palanka 10, active 4
• Radovish 4, active 0
• Krushevo 5, active 2
• Kocani 59, active 26
• Probistip 11, active 9
• Demir Hisar 1, active 0
• Makedonski Brod 3, active 1
• Pehchevo 5, active 2
• Berovo 2, active 1
• Valandovo 5, active 3
• Vinica 3, active 0
• Delchevo 1, active 0
• Kratovo 5, active 3
• Sveti Nikole 12, active 10
• Kichevo 5, active 2
• Resen 48, active 47
• Negotino 19, active 8 (* 10 persons from PE Negotino are residents of Demir Kapija)

Made 1227 dough are through: ИЈЗ –484, ЦЈЗ Скопје-39, Авицена –105, Биотек –152, Систина со PCR метода –104, MANU -151, Jean Mitrev (Philip II) -180 и Судска медицина-12. So far, the country has done a total 49.020 тестирање на ковид -19.

Within the screening are made 31 тестирања во градинки во Штип, нема позитивен резултат на ковид-19.
At the Infectious Diseases Clinic in the past 24 hours apply 13 patients. They are totally hospitalized 99 patients. They are on oxygen support 46 patients, there are no patients on mechanical ventilation.

Until this morning, in the CGH "September 8" were received 16 new, and totally hospitalized 126 a patient. The respiratory machine is 7, and with a more severe clinical picture 36 patients.

They are hospitalized in the hospital in Bitola 30 patients, and are hospitalized in the hospital in Stip 19 patients. At the infectious wards in Tetovo, Ohrid, Velez, Kumanovo and Prilep are hospitalized 72 patients – positive and suspicious of cobweb-19.

Active cases in the municipalities of Skopje as of yesterday (after completion of epidemiological surveys, there may be a change in the distribution by municipalities in Skopje)
• Chair - 352
• Airport – 127
• Butel – 117
• Gazi Baba – 128
• Center - 123
• Karposh - 108
• Saraj - 109
• Mineral water - 82
• Gorche Petrov - 63
• Studenicani - 75
• Suto Orizari - 54
• Aracinovo - 44
• Ilinden - 24
• Petrovec - 12
• Cucer Sandevo - 8
• Sopishte - 11
• Stranger - 4
• Нераспределен-51